
About Damien Calloway

I have been programming, building, and otherwise harassing computers since age 11. Also into art, music, epistemology, design, amateur radio, games (making and playing, board and video), and many other things. Polymath extrodinaire.


  • Neovim

  • Python

  • System76 Lemur Pro, 40GB RAM, 1,5TB SSD

  • Manjaro

  • FreeBSD

  • KDE

  • Qtile

  • MacOS X (in a few places)

  • Windows (but just two laptops, I promise)

  • Slackware

  • ...and whatever else I can get my hands on...

  • ...except Adobe

  • Seriously. I use Krita, GIMP, Synfig, draw.io, LibreOffice, Shotcut, and pencil with paper for all my graphical needs


This page is made with 'Nikola <https://getnikola.com/>'_, a static site generator made with Python. I am using Raleway for the wordmark in the header, with IBM Plex Sans Condensed for the headers and Alegraya for the body text.

These are all open source webfonts, served up by 'Bunny Fonts <https://fonts.bunny.net/about>'_, as I want to avoid Google Fonts for both performance and privacy reasons.

My site is a work in progress, and I endeavour to show my work, as Austin Kleon advises.